Wow! I can’t believe the response that my one little blog post asking for your help received. I’ve received donation from all over the country all with notes attached thanking me or encouraging me in the work I’m doing…. I’m doing? YOU’RE doing. I’m just the messenger. And anything I accomplish here in the little
Here is a breakdown of what we’ve done so far:
- Paid for half of the building of 8 desperately needed toilets for a primary school.
- Sponsored 17 secondary school kids who otherwise would not been able to afford school
- Bought 46 new English text books for the primary school so that each child has his or her own book to learn out of
- Bought a soccer ball for the primary school so that they don’t have to play with a tied up ball of bags anymore
- Started a youth health club that encourages people to make life choices decrease their risk of getting HIV.
- Started an income generating project for single mothers who don’t have enough money to support their families. We will be making and selling batik (I’ll put up pictures later of what that is) and hand woven baskets. (I’ll also put up some pictures of this next time. And if you want to buy either let me know! They are beautiful and amazing and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed)
I have plans for more text books for every subject. My goal is that every student in the primary school will have one book for each subject.
Each act of loving kindness helps repair the world. Thanks for being incredible.