Sunday, June 15, 2008


i'm in morogoro. i went to the market today and saw a hospital named st. harry's. is there a saint harry. i don't think saints have nicknames. i meet my host family tomorrow!!


Trina said...

kimbo!! I'm so happy you made it safe and sound! It's great you're already reporting that you like it there and like the people (yet i didn't have any doubts about that). I hope things are going smoothly with your host family. Good luck with training!!!
love you and miss you!

Linda said...

I think this posting is going to work...however I won't write much until I'm sure. All is fine here. Tomorrow we are celebrating mom's b'day. Everyone is coming down and we will go out to eat together and attend church the next morning together. That ought to be enough excitement for mom and make her very happy.

I'm glad to hear things are going well however it's been a while since you posted. Hopefully you can get near a computer at least once a week.

Doggy is getting one to two walks A DAY which is keeping her happy. She is still quite bored though.

No real news. I see the weather is warmer here than in Africa.

Love, Mom

Unknown said...

we have some things to discuss...starting with the fact that the emails have stopped, but magically mom keeps getting them. i'm letting it go, really. i guess she does get preference...AND the important thing is that you are safe and having a good time. i love can i start sending snail-mail?

AuntieCam said...


I'm so glad you have this spot to post to. As you mom says, we're all coming together this weekend to celebrate the 85th birthday.

Lance,Bobbie, Lisa and kids and I went to Cancun last week. Too much fun! We really did have a great time.

So stay in touch through this's great.


Anonymous said...

kimba! um, so, so far i've had like 3 dreams about you in africa. word. i'm so happy to see you've arrived safe and sound, and you're with your host family. woot woot! i'm so freakin jealous. let me know what email address is easiest or best to contact you with, and when and where can i start sending you stuff in the mail? (you know, the usual, tampons, diet coke, doritos, etc.) word. i love you and i miss youuu!!!!
peace and hair grease,