Friday, May 1, 2009

i've got an amazing idea

money trouble? did those taxes kill you this year and you're looking for a way to ease the pain for 2009? well i'm here to answer your prayer!!!! help give the gift of water to Lwang'a village! I have partnered with an NGO called Living Water Internation based in Texas. They have agreed to pay for half of the well digging and building process: $10,000!! now its just up to me to raise the other half. every little bit counts and is surely appreciated. the number one disease and cause of death in my area is water borne diseases due to no clean source of water. you can donate directly to Living Water International and its all tax deductable... so what i'm saying is everyone wins but especially those kids who are literally dieing from diarreah (i know we've probably all felt that this was happening to us at one point... so imagine if it were to really happen....) here's how it works

send your checks or money orders to:
Living Water International
PO Box 35496
Houston, Texas 77235-5496.

the memo section please clearly note :
"Hannah's Hope" for Lwang'a village.

and please also notify me that you have donated either by email: or snail mail:
kim heller pcv
slp 469
makambako, iringa
so we can make sure the money goes to Lwang'a village.
and thats it. within a few weeks you will recieve a reciept in the mail for tax purposes. easy as pie or "ugali" (as they say here)

questions, comments or fundraising ideas are always welcome. thanks for all your support. much love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kim, you are amazing. It always amazes me that I am spending hours in class learning about these complicated diseases, and people in the world are still dying from simple GI illnesses that are easily preventable. Keep up the awesome work, you are really making a difference!