Friday, July 18, 2008

one month...still standing

i've been in my homestay month now. i live with a bibi and babu (grandma and grandpa) and their awesome. my baba speaks english and is very smart. my momma is hysterical. she's a take-charge kind of woman. (she says its because her grandpa was german...) she take good care of me and always worries that i don't eat enough. i've never bathed as much as i do here in my life. since deodorant isn't a thing that people have here they bathe twice a day. so i do too (but i also use my deodorant :)) no plumbing so its hot water in a bucket with a cup to pour. i also use squat toilets exclusivley but i think i like it better honestly. although when your in digestional distress sometimes you wish you had a seat to rest on.... i think its better for you i've decided. i walk to school everyday...about a 30 min walk. its fun i walk through my village and all the little kids come out to watch me....i've never been this interesting before. i live with three little sisters who are all grandchildren of my mama and baba. they are 16, 8, and 5: philomena, ester, and evonna. they are the best teachers, they dance with me everyday and we crack each other up. mostly they laugh at the things i accidently say in swahili.

my swahili is coming along...slowly. but its ok. i'd say i'm functional....barely. i can scrape by. but its fun and the people here are very patient and like to teach. if you call me i'll talk to you in swahili and you can be impressed by me. rediculous things happen daily. one day my dog simba slaghtered a baby pig outside my window. the sounds of tearing flesh brought me out of a deep sleep. umm cool. i also made the mistake of telling me host family that i eat chicken. i clearly did not think that through. weird how the boneless skinless chicken breast that i can get from ralphs isn't quite what i'm encountering here. more like on the bone, with the skin, and all the gristle, leg. i'm not ready for this. so i'm still picking at in on my plate every night pretending to eat it. i can't do it. i've tried. too much change.

the people in my group are awesome. lots of funny people. we're all excited because this weekend we are taking a group trip to Mikumi which is a national park here in TZ. we'll get to see animals and even.....stay out late *gasp*. right now because we're so new in the country peace corps keeps us on a pretty tight hold. we're home everynight before dark and don't go anywhere without a peace corps escort. so everyone who was worried about my saftey, don't. its a non -issue at least for the time being.

1. people don't care if you smell like a toilet but they care if you iron your shirt.
3. there is always more time and there is no such thing as "on time"
4. midmorning chai break
5. midafternoon pumzika (nap) time
6. chipati...i can't even begin to describe this heavely food. google it
7. beers cost a dollar and a half
8. the two old men who live on my walk to school. they across the steet from each other and sweep the leaves at the same time everyday. i imagine them as the tanzanian version of jack lemon and walter matheau (sp?) in grumpy old men
9. lots of little nugget children to play with
10.babies regularly run around naked for hours but the exposure of adult knee caps morally offensive

i have a phone and an address: call me (with a calling card...its expensive) or write me letters. its much easier than email. this blog is on about the 5 attempt to get a working comp.
my phone number is country code:255 then: 782136776
write me and old fashion letter so on mail call days i don't feel like the last person picked for dodgeball.
36 Zambia Road PO Box 9123
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

i miss you guys and love you!


Trina said...

It's so good to hear that you are having such a good time! Though I never had any doubts you'd love it. Have fun on your weekend trip! I'm heading down to Oxnard for the weekend (haha different worlds for sure).

audvass said...

I was waiting for the next update!!! so glad to hear about your day to day life.

im going to google this food you talk about....ive moved to florida now..little closer to africa?

you'll be getting a letter soon from me...any goodies you are dying without?
take care and be safe!!!

Jackie said...

hey kimbo,
so great to hear you're having a good time - what an experience. i'm excited to be your pen pal...i just sent a letter off to TZ..never thought I'd do that. very cool. anyway stay safe, eat lots of chipatia and chicken legs (tee hee)! figured out when jen and i can come visit? can't wait! love you long time and write back soon (well after you get my letter of course)
love you forever.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know-

Saint Harry - Martyred child of Gloucester, England. He was reported to have been slain by Jews in the area, and was venerated as a martyr. The veneration of the child martyrs is often considered as an example of the pervasive anti-Semitism of the period.

-hope your trip is going well.

Foodyi said...

Pictures! I want pictures of bibi & baba!

Rumor has it that there is a group trip planned for next year to Tanzania...I might hop on board!

Unknown said...

Hi Kim,
i'm trying to figure out how to get to you. my third try. we'll see if this works. brad

Unknown said...

Damn, it worked,
i hope you are well. if i can figure it out i'll post some photos of grandma's birthday. did your mom and dad send you some? it was a good time but i'm not sure grandma knew what it was all about. she was very happy to have her family there. she was smiling all the time.
i spoke to your dad he other day. his shoulder is healing pretty well but there is a bit of pain. he is taking a little vicoden. good stuff but not without side effects. in any case he sounded good.
not sure this is the right forum for an extended letter. all seems ok with the world here except of course for the elections. pretty disappointing what this country accepts as politics. just wanted you to know i was thinking of you. i do hope all is well brad

SpecialTeacher said...

Kim, we hope that you had a great birthday! Jeff and I tried to call, but couldn't get through. So I texted you. Maybe you got that. We're thinking of you and we love you.