enosh and mussa. they're regulars at my house.

another sampling of the crew i roll with

full moon over my tin roof. 

Another christmas has come and gone. For me this one was a little different. and a lot quieter. no presents or decorations, (or grandma's hot punch!). Christmas eve was a church service, on the shorter side only 2 hours. it was getting dark and without electricty we cut it short. There was lots of singing, dancing, and druming...my favortite combo. I was asked to do a sining solo for everyone. i graciously declined. They don't know it, but they're all glad i did. They assume everyone was born with a beautiful voice and instinctivley knowing how to harmonize...like them. turns out i don't fall into that category. i tell them its part of the plight of the white man... :). Christmas day started off with a call from mom and dad and amy. it was fun to hear them talk about having just finished the christmas eve chili and were waiting now to go to midnight mass....sad i missed the chili, not so sad i missed trying to stay awake for midnight mass. In the afternoon i went over to my neighbors and had an early dinner. Delicous as usual. I came home with walter and we sat around our fire and read to each other and listen to garth brooks's christmas album. ok i just read to walter but he wanted to read to me too i could see it in his eyes. i capped of the night with another call from home. Grandma Luce's christmas brunch crew called and I got to talk to everyone there. That was awesome and it was hard to choke back the tears while getting to hear grandma's and all my aunts and uncles voices. i finally broke down when i talked to my cousin molly. thanks molls, i was doing so good.
christmas eve i was also greated with the happy diagnosis from the area vetrinarian that walter has contracted a sexually transmitted disease....you didn't know dogs could get those right? me neither. until my dog did. so embarassing. appararently walter has been participating in some extracurricular activities that i was not aware of....i'll be keeping a closer eye from now on. he got his antibiotic shot and is now back to his old self... so natrually i'm worried.
i've now started my next travel adventure. i've started off for dar es salaam for a camping trip. our first stop is here at the district capital of iringa. tonight we will be treated to hot spirings and an indian barbeque by some indian friends of ours here. i'm sure you'll get updates about all of.
much love, and best wishes for the new year!
Oh Walter! Such a boy! So glad to hear of you Christmas adventures!
We missed you in Texas, too. A little quieter than usual this Christmas. We were thinking of you so far away. Sorry you didn't get your package before Christmas. Love you and miss you!! Be safe.
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