Saturday, December 26, 2009
On that note, and because i like making lists here is a list of 50 most important things I learned while in Tanzania:
1. Get your dog neutered
2. Farm animals are painfully loud and annoying
3. You get used to it
4. Its easy to loose 20 lbs if you used to eat fast food everyday and then you move to Africa
5. You can find something in common with anyone... seriously ANYONE
6. Toilets are overrated
7. There are a-holes, liars, cheaters, thieves, and gossipers everywhere in every country and culture
8. A smile, offers to share meals, and soda are understood in all languages and cultures
9. Sarcasm, regular bathing, and personal space are not
10. When in doubt, consult old people
11. Most of the stuff we refrigerate in the states doesn't really need to be refrigerated
12. Everyone likes butterscotch
13. Chocolate, however, is an acquired taste
13. Listen to your gut
14. Those deprived of power and privileged most of their lives will be the first to abuse it
15. Everyone needs to believe in something
16. Take care of yourself first, you'll never be able to help or inspire anyone when you're all broken down and busted
17. Use snail mail - old fashioned cards and letters are fun to write and receive
18. Trust
19. Pay attention to the way your body and health react in a certain place or with certain people- sometimes it knows better than you do about what's best
21. There's always a way to be happy
22. Teaching- whether its to make pancakes or a new farming technique- is hugely rewarding
23. Be compassionate towards others- just a mere twist of fate would have your places in life reversed
24. Compassion can be really hard- especially when people are screaming in your face, stealing, or hurting children
25. Eat fresh fruit and veggies whenever you can, you'll never know how lucky you are and how good they taste until you can't get your hands on any
26. The developing world is a lot like Little House on the Prairie only with cellphones and the occasional motorcycle
27. When dismounting said motorcycle, do so on the left. Getting off on the right will result in a really painful engine burn
28. Wear sunscreen
29. Plant your own veggie garden, its fun and tastes better
30. Different cultures grieve in very different ways
31. Self-reflection, existential crises, artistry, and volunteerism are privileges of living in a developed country
32. Sometimes it feel really good to cry
33. Unconditional love is likely the best gift ever given or received
34. People will never know what is acceptable or unacceptable to you unless you tell them
35. Rats and snakes are not as scary as I once thought them to be
36. Take a multivitamin
37. Eat yogurt whenever you can, its good for the tummy
38. If you're sad, go sit and play with a baby
39. Faith and hope in personal abilities and power is a difficult concept to teach particularly to people who have never ever been introduced to it before
40. Cherish your education that taught your how to think and discern, where your teachers showed up, and where beatings and sexual assault were not acceptable
41. Make your house a comfortable place to relax but don't get too comfortable that you forget there's a big world beyond it
42. Read- it feels good
43. Don't make yourself miserable for the sake of being being tough or to make some similar point- no one's impressed and mostly, no one is paying attention. Stubbornness does not equal strength of character
44. CLEAN water is the best medicine for most ailments
45. Some rules must have been made with the intention that they would broken... why else would some of them be so stupid?
46. Timing is everything
47. Letting go is the only thing you can really control
48. Exercise- it also feels good
49. Silence, with strangers or friends, is ok and truly isn't that scary
50. Usually we sell ourselves short, we're stronger, more patient, and more flexible that we think
So there is the little wisdom i picked up in my travels. I'm home now and have my old cell phone number 626-590-4592 so feel free to call. Also I'm still raising money for the well in my village. Any donations or ideas on ways to raise money are sooooo appreciated. Much love and be well.
Friday, November 27, 2009
life's a landcruiser?... enjoy the ride
But I digress, the point is that these men were wonderful. They stopped and treated me to a "spot of breakfast" along the way. It was a wonderful surprise and a perfect cure for the bad mood i had started the day with. Louie told me he has started traveling when he was 17 and hasn't stopped. "Its the best education there is." Its true, I've learned things i didn't know were possible to learn, and for better or for worse "you never regret travel." The trip ended with him dropping me off in front of the bank. I told him that i was going in an attempt to reclaim some mysteriously missing funds. His reply was "let me give you my card. if you have any trouble in there call me up. i know the manager and we go way back." this is what i love about life, you meet the most interesting people along the way.... so ya, its been said before but i'll say it again: life is a journey and we should, by all means, enjoy the ride
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Giving Thanks!
Speaking of grateful, I think it’s the right time of year to share what it is that I’m most thankful for: (it’s the holidays so I feel that I’m excused for any excessive sentimentality)
This is called the “Grateful ABCs” I do this when I’m feeling grumpy or sad:
A- African women: they are far and away the strongest and most resilient individuals i’ve ever encountered
B- books: I’d be dangerously bored without them. Over 70 read in the last 18 months
C- Clouds: big white puffy ones and rainbows too. I’ve never seen so many in my life. They’re the upside of the depressing rainy season
D- Duct tape: “if you can’t duct it, f--- it”
E- Education that teaches you how to think critically and problem solve. It’s a privilege denied too many.
F- Family and friends: many of whom I don’t get to see often but all of which I’m blessed to be associated with.
G- Gardens: home grown tomatoes and potatoes are the best
H- High fives or “nipe tano” (in Swahili) so happy this is universal
I- Imagination: this goes along with education. I’m so happy that I was taught to have one. I have seen first hand how bleak life can be when imagination is snuffed out of children and absent in adults
J- Jeans: they never get dirty (or look dirty)
K- Kerosene lamps
L- Little kids: self explanatory I think
M- Macaroni and Cheese: even with fake butter and powdered mild it still tastes good!
N- Needle and Thread: for the inevitable holes
O- onions and salt: my only consistent source of seasoning
P- Pancakes and syrup: I can make both on my charcoal stove
Q- Quilts made by hand by African women trying to support their families
R- Rainbows (see clouds)
S- Solar charger: it has allowed me a cell phone and an ipod in a village with no electricity
T- Teeth: you finally see how valuable they are when you’re the only one around with a full set.
U- Unconditional Love: good to have when the conditions are seriously tough
V- Vegetables: again, something that you don’t know how great they are until they are seriously scarce
W- Walter: the best dog in the world!
X- Xanex, hahaha! Just kidding…kind of
Y- Yaks: it’s the only thin I could think of that starts with a Y
Z- Zungumza: Swahili for talking or conversing, as art I’ve started to truly learn in the absence of electronics
Monday, November 9, 2009
So i'm still truckin along here working on a few projects. I've got my homebased care worker training coming up in the next few weeks to train village members to be the first line of care for people living with HIV. I'm also helping my mama's basket group learn a new craft, Batik. And good news on the well construction: we should be getting an official survey very soon!
I've run into a few bumps in the road recently, my village executive officer, my direct village supervisor, was "fukuza"ed out of town. It took me a while to figure out what that word means... turns out it means "banished" or "chased out".... oh. apparently he stole some roofing, i don't know. it didn't go well. so there was that and also a village member stole about $200 from my house... so its been a little rough.
Anyhow, here are some pics. overall things are good. and i'm good!
my friend dada peter's new baby rabi
Monday, September 28, 2009
no rest for the weary
i've had a few requests for a blog post that actually gives some updates about my life so you (mostly trina) asked for it so here it is:
- peace corps tanzania just had one of it volunteers pass away. his name was joseph chow and he died in a rock climbing accident. he wasn't someone i was personally close to but i know he was a good guy, a solid volunteer, and a member of our peace corps family. he was just a few months away from completing his service and going home. so it hurts for those who were especially close to him but also for everyone here.
- village life has been about the same for me. i just keep pluggin away at the work i try to do here "pole pole ndio mwendo" (slow and surely is the pace) or at least thats what i hear. walter is good. he recently has acquired the ability to jump my courtyard wall that is about 9 feet high... pretty impressive and terribly annoying since that means he can leave my house and terrorize the village at will. when i was gone for a week for my mid service conference he ate 4 guinnea pigs from one of my neighbors... needless to say that were not that happy. he also has injured himself through the endevour..broke/cracked a rib maybe? he had something loose and floatin around in there and a swollen tummy but he's getting better and he's still the love of my life and i'm trying to work out the details of getting him back to the states with me.
the primary school just celebrated its 7th grade graduation (it only goes up to 7th, then you start secondary school) its weird to think that i was here for it last year too... time sure has flown. at the primary we're still working on getting text books. so far we've purchased 169 textbooks in the subjects of english, swahili, math, and science. we've still got more to go but we feel good about the progress we've made.
this week we were also supposed to have our guy from the Living Water International group come out and do the technical water survey for our well-in-progress but he has actually suffered from a terrible accident with his equipment where he severed off one finger completely and half of another! yikes. he seems to be ok but will need some recovery time so it sounds like well progress will be on hold yet again.... TIA.
- i have some other projects in the works: i wrote a grant for a series of 5 "health days" in various villages. we've completed two of these days and so far tested over 700 people for HIV and provided education about HIV prevention as well as living a healthy life with HIV. so far we've had about a 20% HIV positive rate which reinforces the fact that this testing and education is seriously needed. so its a success so far in terms of getting people tested and one that i'm proud of. i'm also planning a home based care training for people in my village in mid november that will train them in how to give palliative care to people in the village living with HIV. i'm waiting for funding for this project but have a lot of community support so i feel confident that it will be successful. and the other project in the works in a 5 day girls empowerment camp. me and 4 other volunteers are planning it. each of us taking 5 girls from our village to the camp where they will have the opportunity to take a break from work, play, have fun, learn about themselves and their bodies, learn some new skills, and hear from some other empowered women of tanzania. we're all very excited about the potential of this camp. keep your fingers crossed for us.
other than that i've been trying to keep myself busy and out of trouble :) life can be tough here sometimes... all the alone time gives a person far too much time to think espeically when it often seems that the history and culture of this country seems to working against my and the efforts of peace corps. i often worry that my work here is just feeding the cycle of dependancy that was set into motion in this country centuries ago first by colonialism, then by poorly implemented missionarly and foreign aide work. for years people here have been made to think that white is better and equals money and that they in themselves are not capable of effecting change in their lives and futures. these attitudes are changing and it is my mission here as well as peace corps idea of development that our role here is to teach, provide skills, tools, and opportunities but some people don't want that, they want money and a quick fix (don't we all) and thats tough for all development workers here and in many developing nations. but i guess thats just the world and human nature.
mac and cheese packages are always appreciated as well as any childrens books anyone has to donate to the school library. feel free...but not obligated to do so. as always i appreciate all your support and love from home. i couldn't do it without you. much love!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Picture update
Sunday, July 26, 2009
One Year: Check

Also since I last updated I celebrated my one year anniversary in Tanzania. It has undoubtedly (just like everything else) flown by. It has been hard, and will continue to be so, I suspect. I often question the value of my time spent here but ultimately I feel that I have been productive in the last year and think I still have a lot left that I can do and offer during my year of service that remains. The well project is still in motion, and I’ve just recently had a grant approved and received funding to sponsor a series of 5 HIV awareness days in my and surrounding villages. We’ll have food, dancing, a soccer game, HIV testing, educational speakers… the works. I’ve really excited. They should start next month. I’ll keep you updated on how they turn out. My newest (or oldest, since I’ve really been working on this since the first day I was placed in my village) is selecting village members and training them as home based care workers to provide basic and vital care to people living with AIDS and all sick persons in the village. This is especially important where I live since there are no local health facility and because there is no transport outside of bikes and walking it is virtually impossible for very sick people, the ones that need it the most, to receive health care. Training home based care workers would give these people a chance. I’m working closely with the district government to find the ways and means to have 5 -7 people trained from my village by the end of my term of service next summer. Its proved a difficult endeavor so far since Tanzanian government and agencies are not typically known for their efficiency and speedy nature so I could use your good thoughts and prayers.
Also I wanted to give a little shout out to Crestview Preparatory School in La Canada, CA. Udumuka Primary school got your letters and couldn’t be more excited. You’ll get responses just as soon as school starts up again in the fall.
Thanks to everyone for the incredible support I continue to get. I love you guys!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
i've got an amazing idea
send your checks or money orders to:
Living Water International
PO Box 35496
Houston, Texas 77235-5496.
the memo section please clearly note :
"Hannah's Hope" for Lwang'a village.
and please also notify me that you have donated either by email: or snail mail:
kim heller pcv
slp 469
makambako, iringa
so we can make sure the money goes to Lwang'a village.
and thats it. within a few weeks you will recieve a reciept in the mail for tax purposes. easy as pie or "ugali" (as they say here)
questions, comments or fundraising ideas are always welcome. thanks for all your support. much love.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
still truckin...
as for me. i'm ok. a few road bumps but that is expected, especially on an african road. i keep a print of barack obama's pic and copy of his acceptance speach to remind me that "yes, i can."
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I'm not sure... but i think this is what progress looks like.
Wow! I can’t believe the response that my one little blog post asking for your help received. I’ve received donation from all over the country all with notes attached thanking me or encouraging me in the work I’m doing…. I’m doing? YOU’RE doing. I’m just the messenger. And anything I accomplish here in the little
Here is a breakdown of what we’ve done so far:
- Paid for half of the building of 8 desperately needed toilets for a primary school.
- Sponsored 17 secondary school kids who otherwise would not been able to afford school
- Bought 46 new English text books for the primary school so that each child has his or her own book to learn out of
- Bought a soccer ball for the primary school so that they don’t have to play with a tied up ball of bags anymore
- Started a youth health club that encourages people to make life choices decrease their risk of getting HIV.
- Started an income generating project for single mothers who don’t have enough money to support their families. We will be making and selling batik (I’ll put up pictures later of what that is) and hand woven baskets. (I’ll also put up some pictures of this next time. And if you want to buy either let me know! They are beautiful and amazing and I guarantee you won’t be disappointed)
I have plans for more text books for every subject. My goal is that every student in the primary school will have one book for each subject.
Each act of loving kindness helps repair the world. Thanks for being incredible.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
i know we've all got ou r own issues...but here's something to you should care about
she's a friend of a friend who i've met over the phone and we've corresponded through the Internet and snail mail. here is a truly inspirational person. She is currently working and Stevenson Elementary School in Fridely, MN as a Special Education Paraprofessional and as an evening supervisor for ACR Home, this is a residential community that provides support for people with physical or developmental disabilities. As you can see she has a big heart. She has this big heart of hers set on a mission trip to the Ukraine. She will be working n the Red Window region of Ukraine where she will work with the small existing Churches thee to encourage and strategize with her multicultural team to begin planning and building churches where there are none is a region that is economically depressed and desperately needs support that churches provide for the families and children of this region. talking to Brittany it is easy to see how passionate and dedicated she is to this cause.
before she is allowed to step foot onto the plane to Ukraine in August when her trip is planned to begin she must have 100% of her monthly and outgoing expenses promised. She is asking for your prayers and any financial help if you can give it so that she can go out and help people that desperatly need it. This trip is sponsored by SEND international. Brittany would love to hear from you if you have any questions or words of encouragement. you can contanct her at
Brittany Wiitala
S467 West Mann RD
Marshfield, WI 54449
SEND US Office
PO BOX 513
Farmington, MI 48332
thanks for reading this far and for any help you can give her. she's the kind of person that you want to help. she's passionate and enthusiastic. the kind of person that will make a difference.
much love,
Saturday, February 28, 2009
My sweet transportation situation

Friday, February 20, 2009
potty pics
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
other news in my work here is that i've started a monthly health class for the mama's in my village. they gather every month to weigh their babies so me and my tanzanian counterpart, an amazing woman named Olipa Mpiruka, have put together a curriculum relevant to them. So far we've had one class and it went really well. i'm excited because simple projects like this seem to have more staying power. i think its looking promising.
besides that walter is still walter. getting in trouble and making me laugh all the time. my nearest peace corps neighbor, mary, just got two brand new puppies. i realized how big walter's gotten and now walter has two little pups that look up to him. so now we've dubbed him Uncle Walter. he takes this new responsibility very seriously, hearding them up when they run too far from the house. so despite everything else i still consider him a good dog :)
* ok i have 15 minutes left at the internet cafe and the outrageously slow internet here has yet to post 4 pictures that i started to upload 30mins ago....this isn't looking good. so i apologize if i'm not successful. i'll get it next time
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Just a regular day in the neighborhood
Friday, January 23, 2009
Sponsored Kids!!!
Thank you all soooooo much! the response to my request for helpl with my village has been totally overwhelming. 17 kids (11 girls and 6boys) that otherwise would have not had the chance started school on Jan 13. Fully outfitted in new shoes, socks, uniforms, and with notebooks and pens to boot these kids were ecstatic. These kids are truley greatful. There is something that non-africans refer to as "africa time." This refers to the, shall we say "relaxed" attitude that africans seem to have toward time and schedules. no one wears watches and every comes to a meeting that starts at 8:00 by 10:30.... maybe. but there's no rush right? there is always more time. i, not surprisingly, have become quite fond of this attitude and expect when i ask people to meet for something. well i told the girls we are sponsoring to meet at my house between 8 and 9, thinking we would leave sometime before noon, you can imagine my surprise when i woke up at 7 to see four or five of the girls gathered in front of my house getting ready to go. wow. this is different for them. this is big. they we excited....really excited. this means the world to them.
Garedens, New Years, Obama, and IST
entertaining ourselves one night in the hostel
potato work
For anyone who actually ready these... sorry i've been a little delinquent with my updates but i'm back and i'll try to catch you up.
My garden:
I actually garden a lot here. and i'm very proud of it. i even have the pictures to prove it. I've planted all kinds of beans, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, cassava, and bell peppers. the whole shabang. in these pictures i'm working on my compost and planting potatoes. go ahead, be impressed...
it was fanstastic! we camped on the beach in Dar es Salaam. A beach called Kipepeo which means butterfly... it was kind of dissapointing that i didn't see any. but i digress. we stayed three nights there. it was beautiful. honestly the best beach i've ever been to. better than any in california or hawaii that i've visted.... sorry guys. unfortunatley i was too bust drinking pina coladas and soaking in the sun that i actually didn't get any picture of the actual beach. i did get a pictures of our new years party where we counted down at the local disco. I sported a homemade dress that i was quite proud of. I'm a little short on cash, i work for free - so its no surprise, so I actually used some very kind norwiegans as a diversion and climbed the fence when the guards were distraced. classy? very. economical? extemely. if any of you know my track record with climbing fences and walls you may worry. but don't. i came out basically unscathed. after new years we headed back to the city of dar es salaam and enjoyed the ammenities of being in a city. shopping malls, movie theaters, cheese.... you know, all the good stuff.
for me new years is usually a lot of build up and usually lacks in delievery but this year was great. it was a great break from our village lives and i got to see lots of my friends from training that i haven't seen in 5 months or so.
Yay!!! yes we did! news from america is that the build up to the inauguration may have been a little overboard but here in africa it was just right. luckily about 25 of us volunteers were all together for a seminar here in the regional capital which means..... we had tv!!! we watched the whole thing. it was amazing. we set up in a bar that had tv and watched with a crowd of tanzanians as we all cheered and clapped as Obama spoke tersly and honestly (i hope..right?) about the state of country and the future of it. tanzanians don't cry... unless someoone dies and even then they don't always cry. they don't get it. so they got a kick out watching all these white people huddle together with tears running down but smiles still on their faces. it was a great cultural exchange.
in-service training. sorry peace corps (cause i know you read our blogs), but it was just about as boring as it sounds. useful. but boring. two weeks stuck in a hostel, spending 8 hour days in a classroom learning about grant- writting, policy, HIV/AIDS teaching tactics, and perma culture. the permaculture was actually pretty sweet because we got to outside and dig and sweat in the garden. it was also led by peter jensen the permaculture guru and one of the most excited people i have ever know in my life. the up side is that i got watch a lot of dvd's at night, daily hot showers, and pizza just about every day too. We also brought counterparts who are village members that each volunteer selected from their village to learn all these things too in order to support his or her (mostly "hers" in our group) work in the village. it is actually a huge relief to know that there is someone else in our villages that knows and understands what it is that we're trying to do. and its also lots of fun to get to know one village member outside the setting of the village.
so thats it. thats what i've been doing since the last time i wrote. tomorrow i'm back to village to put all my new training into practice. me and my counterpart have big ideas of school gardens, health clubs, and nutrition classes that will happen several times a week. if you're still reading this... thanks for hanging in. much love. i miss you all