Saturday, October 4, 2008


so try explaining volunteerism to tanzanians. its a luxury i never realized i had. its a completely non-senscical idea. they ask why would i leave america to live with no water or electricty. its a hard concept to wrap your head around...... here are some more pics from life here. a few of my dog. who is getting bigger everyday and that i have dubbed "walter the wonder dog" for the way his ears flap in the wind when he gets a good running start. also included is me getting my hair braided at my house. i asked if she knew how to braid white people hair and she said "its not the different." which meant no she didn't so those braids lasted about 1.3 hours. oh well it was fun anyways. also pics of my favorite neghbors, the secondary school, me and the head of the health center, then my friend mary and the head of the health center, a sunset in my village, my house, kids at the primary school that i love to hang out with. village life is good. not a whole lot to report except that i've been working at the health center taking over the aids clinic....they call me the "computer" because i work so fast. which i don't really....its relative. there is a lot of room for improvement as far as efficinecy is concerned. but i really like it there. i feel like i'm doing something. i'm also working on a water saftey and sanitation training to give to my village since diarreah is the number one cause of death in my area due to unsafe water.

i've been having lots of fun playing with walter and making my compost pile and meeting new people. when i come in to the city i meet lots of white people from different NGO's who are great connections. and i can get pizza and use the internet so i come into town about 1 time a month to enjoy these luxuries and see motorized vehicles.


jenny k said...

Kim - I am loving Walter the Wonder Dog!! How adorable. Gosh, you seem to be doing great! I'll write and send snail mail soon.

Anonymous said...

Your dog is a total chick magnet. Put that thing to good work. Also- I heard you had strep so i googled african strep throat remedies.

Here are some of my results

1. Gargle with warm salt water
2. Tea and Honey
3. Vitamin C
4. Skunk oil
5. tie salt pork to the outside of your neck
6. Drink kerosene (1 tbsp.) and sugar (makes everything go down)
7. Sleep with a big african dude

I only added one of those on my own. Personally, I only endorse 1-3 and 7. Feel better soon, let me know if you want me to smuggle you some antibiotics and/or the cure for aids.

Marianne said...

Walter is the cutest puppy ever! My puppy Mollie would absolutely love him (yes, as a chew toy, but also as a playmate as well)! Hopefully, I'll send you some more postcards soon as I get paid this week! Love you, miss you mucho!

Trina said...

Precious is going to be JEAL-LOUS!!! That puppy is the cutest thing I've seen. I love your updates. I tried calling you again last night so I could talk when I wasn't on a bus at 2am. But no answer. I'll keep trying.
miss you pooper scooper!

Yulia said...

o.m.g. kim, your dog is precious... and you? well you're unbelievable! and irresistible (wink wink)miss you. hope all is well. read about the unfortunate malaria incident. i'm very sad for you. but you're a trooper, and hey, i guess you can say it's part of the experience... ? or maybe not.